Introducing The Ark’s Fresh Market Events

The Ark will extend the availability of fresh foods in the McPherson community by offering its Main Street storefront as a fresh food market on Thursday evenings throughout the growing and producing season.

Fresh markets will be hosted outdoors on The Ark’s property Thursday evenings from 5:30pm to 7:00pm. Products such as fresh produce, plants & plant starts, baked goods, farm-fresh eggs, and more will be sold. These events are not for direct sales purposes. 

“We know there are other markets in town offering the same experience during the same time frame, and we in no way want to diminish their operations. Ideally, we’d host this a different day than others, but Thursdays are our late-night shopping commitments, so Thursday it is,” said Ben Coffey, owner of The Ark.

Sellers can call the store at (620)718-2036 to RSVP. There is no cost to sellers. Tables, chairs, and canopies are not provided but can be rented for a small cost.


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